There are a few relatively unknown tricks you can use to expand your Facebook Business Page reach almost instantly. Your friends will want to know that you have a new business page and here's how to reach them. You'll be inviting your personal Facebook page friends to Like and/or Follow your new business page. It's a simple process but there are some things you can do to improve the likelihood that they will follow through and like your page. Read on for the step by step how to!
1. Go to your Facebook business page.
2. Click Invite Friends.

3. At the top of the page, customize your invite (you have character limit) so that they know it's coming from you and that there's no Facebook robot inviting them.
4. Click Select All, then remove any friends that you don't want to get the invite by clicking the radio button.
Depending on your friends and if they are on Messenger much, you check the "Also send each invite in Messenger" check-box to send them a simultaneous message.
5. Click Send Invites.

That's it! Best of luck on your social media adventures.